Contoh Korespondensi Bahasa Inggris

Soal :

Buatlah balasan surat perkenalan Dari PT Sentosa Abadi perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Jasa Pengiriman Barang Kelas Internasional Nomor 089/PKL/II/17 pada 24 Pebruari 2017 surat ditujukan kepada Bapak Burhanudin Direktur PT tersebut Penang Raya 8B Surabaya. Berbentuk Full Block Style dan dilipat dengan lipatan accordion. Surat tersebut dibuat karena Pimpinan Saudara ingin mengetahui biaya pengiriman barang khususnya di Asia Timur.


PT Selalu Bahagia
Road 20B East Pegangsaan
Telephon (021) 5314567
February 9th 2017
Ref. No    :  22/SB/II/17
Subject     : Request For Catalogue

Mr. Burhanudin
Directur PT Sentosa Abadi 
Penang Raya 8B

Dear Mr. Burhanudin,

Our company is the large of property in Jakarta. Recently, we saw that PT Sentosa Abadi is the best company  service of delivery in Surabaya. We believe that some of products mentioned would be usefull to our.

Therefore, we would like to learn more about your company product. Another that, we want to know about:
  1. Price of delivery  especialy for East ASIA
  2. Term of delivery
  3. Discount
  4. Term of payment
In addition, we also ask some catalogue and brochure.

Thank for your attention.

Your Faithfully,

Moh. Abd. Qodir

-----------------------Selamat Belajar Corespondence B. Inggris---------------------------


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